Ministerio de la Proclamacion de la Palabra de Dios. El Lector de la Palabra tiene la responsabilidad de proclamar de una forma efectiva el mensaje de las escrituras, por lo tanto es indispensable tener buena dicción entregando el mensaje con la mayor claridad posible, se requiere un conocimiento básico de la biblia, habilidad de lectura publica, recordando que la palabra de Dios no se lee sino que se proclama para despertar en el escucha el mensaje de Dios a través de la escritura.
The Reader of the Word has the responsibility of effectively proclaiming the message of the Scriptures, therefore it is essential to have good diction delivering the message as clearly as possible, a basic knowledge of the Bible is required, public reading skills, remembering that the word of God is not read but is proclaimed to awaken in the listener the message of God through the scripture.El Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico USA es un Movimiento Católico laico del pueblo de Dios que agrupa familias católicas, apoyadas con la asistencia de Obispos, Sacerdotes, Diáconos y Religiosas.ACTS MINISTRY
● The Sacred Heart League promotes our love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially through Eucharist and adoration.
● We meet every 1st Sunday of the month after the 8:00 mass.
● We clean and launder altar linens, purificators,and corporals weekly.
● We purchase items that are needed for the altar used in the celebration of all our masses.
● We attend first Friday masses and have devotion to the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday of each month in Mary’s Chapel.
● We call, send birthdays, and get well cards and pray for the sick.
● Our members are Sacristans, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes or more commonly known as Altar Servers, RCIA and religious education teachers,
catechists, retreat presenters, money counters, choir members, members of other ministries such as Espiritu Santo, and Secular Franciscans.
● We recruit throughout the year for new SHL members.
● We hold a yearly Sacred Heart retreat.
● We are involved in our Christmas Posadas, which includes participation in the songs, prayer, and providing refreshments to all attendees.
● We run the Annual Fiesta Bingo Booth. We help prepare prizes for the entire weekend.
○ All our prizes are donated by members, parishioners and our community.
● We do a yearly Linen Bingo to help fundraise to pay for our church linens.
● Pay for monthly Sacred Heart League Mass, and Feast Mass in June, along with the Funeral Mass for our deceased Sacred Heart League members.
● We also help with funding for different projects the church requires.
● We attend the funerals of our deceased members and their spouses.
● We hold a Christmas potluck and gift exchange.
● Celebrate yearly the Solemnity of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with a mass, followed by a paid luncheon for all its members
The Fiesta Committee is dedicated to the long-standing tradition of honoring and celebrating the parish’s feast day of the Holy Family. The committee strives to bring together the parish community, the Atrisco community and the community at large for a weekend celebration of history, tradition and culture.
The English mass choir ministry
It is a group of singers and musicians who lead music at the 4:30 Saturday evening mass, plus the 8 AM and 12 noon Sunday masses. The choirs sing for weekend masses and other services including Holy Week, Christmas and other special celebrations. We practice at 6:30 pm on Thursdays.
Bereavement Ministers meet with the deceased's family to explain services offered by the Parish.
They help plan the funeral details such as selecting the scriptural readings, prayers of the faithful and other details. This Ministry is also responsible for the special Mass on All Soul's Day honoring those who have died during the year.
Miembros del ministerio de duelo se reúnen con la familia del difunto para explicar los servicios ofrecidos por la parroquia. Ayudan en la planificación de la misa de Resurrección, seleccionando las diferentes lecturas, oración de los fieles y otros detalles. Este ministerio está también encargado de la misa de todos los fieles difuntos honrando a todos los que han muerto durante el año.